La Sicilia nel cuore di Copenaghen

Danimarca e Sicilia non sono mai state tanto vicine come negli ultimi mesi. Il merito è tutto di un’esposizione molto speciale che si è svolta proprio nel cuore pulsante di Copenaghen, mettendo in una luce inedita le meraviglie di una Sicilia d’altri tempi.  Il museo in questione è il Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, fondato nel 1888 da Carl Jacobsen (figlio del fondatore della celebre società produttrice … Continue reading La Sicilia nel cuore di Copenaghen

Home sweet home: A home moving and nothing is the same anymore

BASED ON A TRUE (MISERABLE) STORY Once upon a time… a well-known online network to find a home to rent, a couple looking for a house to rent, a home to clear due to the home moving. Home. Everything starts from here, through reviews and previsions, many baggages following and a spasmodic quest to find a house, the perfect one, for a while. But, sometimes things are … Continue reading Home sweet home: A home moving and nothing is the same anymore

Caro Babbo Natale, ecco la mia meravigliosa storia di Natale/Dear Santa, this is my wonderful Christmas story

Caro Babbo Natale, E’ passato un po’ di tempo dall’ultima volta che ti ho scritto- ma ho perso il tuo indirizzo mentre traslocavo. Lo so, sembra incredibile- come si fa a perdere l’indirizzo di Babbo Natale? Ebbene.. Tu viaggi molto, dovresti sapere quanto possa essere frenetico preparare i bagagli e partire… Ad ogni modo.. E’ una vera fortuna che tu legga Clew Magazine e i … Continue reading Caro Babbo Natale, ecco la mia meravigliosa storia di Natale/Dear Santa, this is my wonderful Christmas story

Tokyo of a thousand lights

Tokyo.The hands of the clock run madly and you can get lost crossing roads with the crowd marching in lockstep. Seven hours ahead of Luxembourg and the hands of the clock do not stop running in Tokyo. You learn quickly that nothing is ever enough in Tokyo. Tokyo of a thousand lights and souls is playful and bizarre, easily making you feel that you’re part of a videogame, in the streets … Continue reading Tokyo of a thousand lights

Introducing Advertising: and the journey starts.

Introducing Advertising: and the journey starts Advertising could be defined in so many different ways, also contrasting between them, that if we were to ask a group of people to qualify it by using just a single word, it would be hard to match the results. This heterogeneity is the beating heart of a very special kind of communication, where the explicit purpose is to promote products and services to potential … Continue reading Introducing Advertising: and the journey starts.

An endless love story / Quando l’amore non ha tempo

An endless love story This is that kind of story coming out from the “pink” pen of a writer and then adapted for film, as it happens with the most successful stories. However, this story is even better: there is a special scent in it, probably because it is a true story or probably because of its happy ending for once! The main characters of the … Continue reading An endless love story / Quando l’amore non ha tempo

Rendez-vous to remember: ALTAN / Incontri da ricordare: Altan

Francesco Tullio Altan, simply known as Altan,  is a famous italian cartoonist and father of successful creations like Trino, a kind of unprapared God charged to create the world, Kamillo Kromo, a red camaleont, or the adventures of Cipputi, a definetely left-oriented metalworker. However, the most famous and loved character created by the dreamy mind of Altan is probably Pimpa, the funny dog with red polka … Continue reading Rendez-vous to remember: ALTAN / Incontri da ricordare: Altan


Andrew Hozier-Byrne, or simply Hozier, is an Irish singer and songwriter, best known for the huge success of his EP Take me to church, originally published in 2013, which is also his viral success on YouTube. It is enough to say that just the day after posting the song on You Tube there were  something like 35,000 views on the site: the beginning of a viral success. This lucky song … Continue reading FOCUS ON: HOZIER


What if there is something more powerful than the mere shopping experience or the need for something?   Marketing hooks need to be reinvented constantly, anticipating and (most importantly) creating successful trends.This is what is happening with the new alluring trend of “invitation”, a very new increasing way to sell not only items and services, but also the priceless and supreme joy to feel part of a prestigious club. … Continue reading SCENTS OF CLUB

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

“Everyone has a responsibility to prevent and end violence against women and girls, starting by challenging the culture of discrimination that allows it to continue.”  Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon On November 25, 1960 three sisters (the Mirabal sisters, soon known as the “Unforgettable Batterflies“) were brutally assassinated because of their political activism in the Dominican Republic. November 25 is the International day to commemorate their sacrifice and … Continue reading International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women